
By kettwigefrau

God bothering

Finally Friday, I saw a hint of blue sky this morning, it didn't hang about long though, it got scared off by the gathering snow clouds, but it was nice while it lasted.

I spent my morning at an informal AWCD* coffee, we were 2 Brits, 1 Irish girl & 3 yanks, it amused me that the non Americans almost outnumbered the Americans. It's coming to the end of the financial year for the club and with the AGM on the horizon their thoughts are clearly on making sure that all committee posts are filled and I seem to have got myself a 'job'. I say 'job' because it wont be salaried, it's like being a mom is a 'job' - something that you want to do that can quite possibly expand to fill as much of your time as you let it!

When we lived in the U.K. I did a fair amount of charity work, NCT, Home-Start and of course school PTA and I do see it as a part of the British way of life.
The unselfish giving up of time to help others.

It doesn't work like that here. There are very few charity shops around, I can't remember the last time I had someone thrust a collecting tin in my face and I think in the five years my children have been in German schools we've had one sponsorship form to raise money and I've missed it.

The AWCD will give me the chance to re-involve myself with charitable giving and at the same time I get to meet a whole new circle of (mostly American, probably**) friends, win-win.

* American Women's Club Düsseldorf
** Not a problem, as long as they enjoy drinking wine and recognize the fact that English English is superior to the weakened strain of American English that they've adopted.

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