
By Carol71

A nice glass of .......

Shiraz Red Grape & Black Currant Cordial with lemonade tonight's favoured tipple and I'm starting early cos I can lol

34 days alcohol free, and I'm feeling great :-)

I've had a day off work today, I had a fall getting kids in the car this morning and pulled my back and shoulder, back still sore and keep getting a pins and needles type sensation. Am hoping resting up over the weekend and I'll be ok for work Monday. But what a day to be off the day I have a sickness review interview. So off I went to work to let them know I wouldn't be in so it didn't look like I was pulling a fast one.

Started snowing again and it's coming thick and fast. So I'm going to snuggle down in bed once kids are settled and watch the final 2 episodes of season 4 Son's of Anarchy.

Hope you are all managing to keep safe and not injure yourself like me. This is the 3rd fall this week.

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