Maggie @ Abingdon

By MaggieJH

The story of the Ice Maiden

I'm not a great shopper but had to go into Oxford today to get a few things that you can't buy in Abingdon.

In Cornmarket Street business wasn't too good for the Ice Maiden although whilst standing there getting my camera out there was a sudden burst of activity: several passing children put money in her icy jug and and got blown a kiss as a reward.

This is the story of one little girl who was absolutely fascinated by the slow moving kiss and bow of the maiden (or maybe she's an angel as she has wings?). Worth a look in large to see the smile on the little girl's face - and the curious looks of other passers-by.

Don't worry! The little girl's dreams were not shattered. The fifth shot was taken about an hour later when I retraced my steps to get the bus home. I heard the maiden tell the street cleaner that was too cold to stay any longer. Love the way she has chunky walking boots on under her dress!

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