By LaurieT

I stayed inside today ...

... and took this picture from the back porch.

After I reseeded the lawn I realized that Rick, the perma-culturist from Eugene, likely won't be up to prune our grapevine. Knowing that it's a bigger task than I can handle I called my arborist friend who maintains our fruit trees. I heard from her that business is already way down, and she's worried about how she'll make next months rent.

The contrast between those of us who are secure enough to consider this an unplanned extended vacation, and those who don't know how they'll maintain themselves, is one I think about. Sadly our government is not moving swiftly to expand the bottom up economic policies that could alleviate some of this fear and suffering. Expanded unemployment insurance and some sort of relief for the self-employed, like my arborist friend and the many family childcare providers who have had to close, is crucial.

Beyond that soapbox I spent much of the day connecting electronically. My monthly coffee date with two friends was conducted via FaceTime, a former assistant wanted to do a Google Hangout with me to catch up, and my Sangha met via Zoom.

In between I had a phone call with a friend who is sick with walking pneumonia, and a slew of emails to and from friends sharing experiences, poems, and uplifting thoughts. At one point I realized that this is the first break from work I've had in years that I didn't begin with a long to do list - so liberating!

We talked about having dinner delivered, but wanting to minimize outside contact and use what we have I roasted cauliflower to have with rice. Then I baked a cake!

Overall a very busy day in quarantine :-)

The extras show what the yard looked like a week ago just after the children left.

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