Day 3 - Deserted

The morning was spent setting up tech for Princess and Smallest to be able to do their school work. Until this morning they’d assured me they were ready to go, how naive of me!

All sorted by lunchtime then time for me to nip into town for food shopping, it was eerily quiet - normally I’d be fighting for a parking space on this bit of road. Bumped into Jessy from my fave coffee shop - she’s on her way to her parents up country as the cafe is shutting and she has to move house in a fortnight. Safest for her to go ‘home’ then risk having nowhere to live.

Paella for tea and MrRoly refused to eat it without a glass of wine, so much for tea total weekdays! Plus Princess baked brownies so it’ll be AA and WW for us when all this is over.

We all gathered to watch BJ’s speech - Eldest the historian informed us it was a moment that will go down in the history textbooks. Which is nice.

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