
By Cumbrialass

Business as usual? In the garden.

The sun was shining. We tried to pretend things were normal. The streets were much quieter after yesterday. 

After walking Fletch I jogged to the local Tesco.. I could have driven but I needed to be more physical.. keeping active is necessary at the moment. Tesco was surprisingly quiet and well stocked. The lady at checkout said it had got less manic. I didnt get much but enough to keep us in fresh food until the end of the week.. I had a feeling that lock down was imminent. 

Back home, after M sharpened the blade I got the mower out and the lawn had its first cut of the year. In the garden there is a feeling that things are normal.  The buds are swelling and the birds were singing their hearts out as if nothing was wrong. This blackbird, high up on next door's tv aerial sang and sang as I pottered about. For an hour or so I didnt have to think about The Situation. 

In this very Surreal times I hope everyone is safe and well. Take care xxxx

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