
By LornaL

Poem: Face-ache


Whatever you’re in
Just keep a grin
On your ugly old face, me boy
It’s only a smile
That makes life worthwhile
For a smile is a thing of joy

There are men who swear
An’ tear their hair
No matter how small the cost
The men worthwhile
Are the men who smile
Whatever they may have lost

You must move your face
To make a grimace
And to curse you must use your jaw
So when things go wrong
Smile an’ sing a song
That’s worth a darn sight more

When you’re sick an’ sad
An’ things look bad
When everything’s far from grand
When the ways of men
Are beyond your ken
Smile - an’ you’ll understand

No matter how hot
The enemies’ shot
No matter how tight the place
All may be well
Or it may be hell
So smile till you crack your face!

May 1930

This poem by Lorna features in Grannie's garden of verse

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