
By RipandRoo


After Roo got the treat yesterday through a whole load of sucking up I knew I would have to work extra hard to make sure it was me that got it today.

I don't really do behaving so I played the sympathy card and trumped her good style.

Since I was a puppy I have had a few problems with my third eyelid and first thing this morning it was looking quite bad for me. An extra hour of sleep on the human bed and it had popped back where it should be and because the human felt bad for me, I got the treat.

Some treat it turned out to be though as there was no ball time, the ground was frozen solid and I was forced to hang about whilst she looked for a blip. I could see tweeters on the lake and wanted to chase. But NO....."Ripley stand, Ripley stay, Ripley look". Great. NOT.

On the plus side, I did eat my own weight in frozen rabbit poo. Tasty!


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