No surprises there then

Boris announced at 20:30 last night that we're not allowed to go out unless we need to shop, work etc. He has also closed non essential shops, eek.

I guess we'll manage. Here's a family update.

Will- dashed to and from Newcastle last night to collect most of the rest of his belongings from his uni house. He said there were a few others on his street doing the same thing. His work don't need him at the moment but they've just informed him today that he'll get 80% of his wage, and we'll be feeding him so he'll be fine.

Charlotte works in hospitality and that's not happening right now so she got her self a 6 week job grooming horses, however they had to let her go in view of yesterdays announcement, because no one coming for horse riding lessons. She's staying with James at his mums and has given notice on her London flat. She's applied to work at Waitrose in Stroud,, she'll be fine.

Toria is in a house near Cardiff with Tomos (it's his parents house, they are currently stuck in Italy. They were there for a year teaching English as a foreign language). Toria started work 3 weeks ago in a Spanish tapas and deli shop. They let her go last Saturday along with a few others, she's pretty devastated. Eventually she'll be able to claim universal credit, we'll help her out too. (That's me and Toria on messenger video, I had no idea it had those daft masks on).

Toms mum Jean is bearing up well. She gets carers in 3 x a day and Tom goes up at teatime. He's had to reassure her that the carers are flowing government guidelines regarding PPE (personal protective equipment).

My mum, is also doing ok, although I think yesterday evening announcement will scupper her socialising plans next week when she finished her Spanish holiday isolation. It'll be straight into the next one!! We're getting her shopping and the local hardware shop are doing deliveries and 10% off for the oldies. She's ordered fence paint and a brush. I've been looking for a tallish freezer for her garage but it seems they are all out of stock, even the dear ones, perhaps the greedy stockpilers are buying those up too! 

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