
Everyone knows the song tulips from Amsterdam. It looks like the tulip is a Dutch product and was first found here, but nothing could be further from the truth.
The tulip is originally from Turkey. Introduced by a Viennese ambassador to Turkey. Only 40 years after he saw the flower, the first was only planted in the Netherlands in 1593.
Tulips are found in the wild from North Africa and Southern Europe to northwestern China. The genus' native range extends from the Iberian Peninsula through North Africa to Greece, the Balkans, Turkey, the Middle East, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Ukraine, southern Siberia, Mongolia, and northwestern China. However, the greatest diversity is found in three mountain ranges in Central Asia: the Pamir, the Tiensjan and Hindukush. The climate in all three mountain areas is characterized by a cold winter, which can lead to vernalization, a long spring with cold nights and dry summer. Such a climate is ideal for tulips.

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