
By SadlerStar

Observing the rules on Lock down Day 1

At midnight last night Guernsey went into lock down as it was clear that the virus was in the community. We had suspected this for a while and have been following the guidelines to isolate. It was sad news when it was confirmed that it was in fact spreading locally. All other 20 cases on the island were people who had travelled.
Today has been a sunny day and we have worked in our garden and managed to plant the vegetables that our son brought for us. An interest to look after and nurture over the coming weeks.
Whilst in the garden we engaged with a very colourful visitor who kindly observed the rules and stayed two metres away. he is very noisy at times and we always know when he is around!   We do see quite a lot of him on the cliffs and he is a regular visitor to the garden. 
Our son looked after the children at his house and they enjoyed an open fire BBQ and some den building behind the pig pen. He sent some photos and they are in extras to record the days.

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