Day 5 - busy

I was up at Asda to collect a shop before 9. It was all very civilised, a pity there are no more click+collect slots left anywhere!

MrRoly attempted Sainsbury’s to get the bits we couldn’t get on the c+c order. He had to form an orderly queue outside for ages. Still no beans/pulses anywhere except chickpeas, I think Eldest will get bored of chickpea curry every night!

I have continued the box of paperwork delights while MrRoly got started on his veg patch’s. Ideally he wants 5 beds but only has enough wood for 3, given everything that’s going on, he may get the extra wood ready for next year’s growing!!

Meanwhile the kids have all allegedly done home working in various forms. Smallest is especially enjoying PE each morning with Joe Wicks. Princess is behind because the laptop wasn’t ready until Monday lunchtime apparently. The Boy really dislikes online lectures. Eldest is enjoying her reading list, snuggled up in bed!

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