
By Stuart9613

Better Days

Pictured with one of my first customers Colin and a good friend.I liked his straight talking no nonsense.No political correctness crap.Also pictured is probably the fastest bike I have ever owned.She was beautiful and Helen and I crossed France on her at speeds of up to 145mph after a trip across Spain.

I have had to deal with some spineless people today and it just gets me down.Whatever happened to a stiff upper lip.

No help looks to be on its way for the Self Employed.I doubt teachers are sat at home on £94 a week despite only working part time all their working life.
Bruce always seems to have a song for how it feels to be a working man Promised Land.I have always thought that Dylan speaks for the middle class and Springsteen for those who get their hands dirty.I In this song he knows just how I feel tonight."Well I've done my best to live the right way". If you have time listen to it a few times and let it sink in.

Recently I was talking to a friend who had no idea who Tom Joad was and had never heard of "The Grapes of Wrath"let alone read it.This was beyond my comprehension.

Rambling tonight.So much to worry about.

On a lighter note it is frustrating that we are not allowed to ride our motorcycles and take advantage of the roads being clear of the four wheeled junk that snarls them up.

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