Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lockdown day 2: Two uses of a dinner table

I made curry for everyone tonight. All home made, even the bread. 

Earlier, Scout and Dylan were trying to guilt trip me into feeding them ahead of supper time. Look at those stares. If they were wearing T-shirts saying "feed me" it couldn’t be more obvious.

Found it hard to focus on work. Mammoth Skype call this afternoon - 33 participants. 

Need to get out more. Just realised I am on leave on Friday. Can spend time with the young ones.

Was researching the upanishads this evening and wrote this:

One of those days when you feel overwhelmed by what you cannot comprehend; when you are led back to fundamental questions; when the pendulum of the self swings between extremes - the contemplation of the divine and the desire to be of use, here and now, to the world you think you inhabit (but which is really a phantom, something invented through collusion).

There is a school of thought that all reality is energy. Matter does not really exist. A mountain is a lot of energy in one place that changes only very slowly. A thought or an idea flying between synapses is a very light, filmy and short lived configuration of energy. We and all other creatures are life forms made of multiple types of energy that are constantly shifting and changing, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the not so good. Love is the moment when energies embrace; anger when energies collide. “We” don’t really exist but to the extent that we do - well sometimes we are controlling these energies but more often than not they are like the weather and we are shaped by the coriolis movements of many interacting and unpredictable forces

The reconciliation of Brahma and Atman within acceptance of the Maya. To be truly united in knowledge, love, service and joy with all creation whilst seeking to live within the illusion that surrounds and constricts us.

The little space within the heart is as great as the vast universe.
The heavens and the earth are there, and the sun and the moon and the stars. Fire and lightning and winds are there, and all that now is and all that is not.

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