horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Missing a couple of pieces

Well it had to be done, and Harris's bits are gone. Thankfully neutering of cats (and vaccinations of kittens and puppies) count in the definition of 'emergency' for vets, so ours was still able to take him for his scheduled appointment today. Funny watching people in the street, and the supermarket I briefly got some provisions from, actually practicing social distancing.

And that included the vet - not allowed in, a handover of the pet carrier outside the front door. The penny is slowly dropping with many, though unfortunately, probably not enough.

Harris this evening, after a perhaps slightly more muted afternoon, seems back to his usual self. And tomorrow we're going to try him in a harness to go out into the garden (he'll be a proper outdoor cat, just like Isla, but we've got the opportunity to ease him into it).

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