It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Poor Flowers

Destined for Mums everywhere they now sit in a cage with no one to look at them. Such a shame.
I know this is controversial for quite a few people ( although maybe not now) but I feel Tesco are doing a grand job in this country and should be highly praised.
I have always stuck up for them even when I’ve been close to losing my job and hours but they are making monumental changes and very quick at the moment. We have got a few new starters coming online at the moment And last night we had a lad in his twenties who was meant to be getting married tomorrow but now he’s come to us for a job, for whatever reason and fill shelves.
Lovely lad very quiet and very polite. We are lucky in our little store as our shift of about seven or eight people are like a family. We help each other out and are a great bunch.
We have been through a lot with job cuts and having our beloved night shifts taken away and having to work more and more under pressure with sod all staff and no more full time jobs ever being offered. However, we have stuck with it, each person for their own reasons, ( mine being I’ve been there so long I just don’t want to leave and I’ve worked long enough to start seeing the benefits of long term employment. ) other’s ....for similar reasons. It’s Tesco who are providing Cleaning hand sanitizer and equipment to wipe your trolley down with and as from tomorrow we have been told plastic shields will go up to protect till staff and customers alike and all manner of other things.
I for one am proud to work for Tesco and think all customers or non customers should think twice about ever moaning about them as they have done in the past.

Everything good that Tesco does ( and is usually first to do so) never gets praised or anything like that but other supermarkets do and if something goes wrong then Tesco get slammed. Enough slamming of them.
Let’s hear it for Tesco!
Ok now I’ll get off my soapbox;-)

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