
By Boomerang

Winter Aconites

I bought ten tiny tubers of Winter Aconites last October and planted them in hope. According to the instructions, they were supposed to appear in January but when there was no show I assumed they had been eaten by the voles (a problem in our garden). However, two weeks ago, some little buds bravely started to poke their heads through the soil and I was thrilled when these beautiful flowers appeared. It will take a few years for them to multiply but I am patient by nature.

I found the aconites difficult to photograph as the sun was so bright. This is my best effort.

It was a beautiful day today, sunny and beginning to feel less cold; lovely for gardening. N spent the whole day repotting his bonsai. Unfortunately, the forecast is for it to turn much colder tomorrow but I don't mind as long as it stays dry.

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