
By witchcreations

Mystery Box, Mystery Box ...

What's inside the mystery box? 
It turns out the mystery box that little un received in the post this afternoon contained a beautiful book, it was such a perfect choice, it could have been based on her... but the question remains who sent it? as no note or details were included... she was delighted and it couldn't have been better timed,  so own up if it was you xxx

In other news a full week of homeschooling completed woo hoo!!  

and we survived and made it work, all thanks to the bloomin' hard work put in by little un, us two and the teachers at the school, all supported by the messages and chat with family and friends ...

Following all this industry and effort, we needed Friday afternoon to be full of rewards and fun,  so we had a virtual tea party... I bought a freezer pack of scones and cake from our local cafe Cherish (I can totally recommend them)... I then zoomed round to deliver some to mum's doorstep, as she's isolating... we then cranked up face time and put the laptop on the stool so that we could chat and scoff scones and cake,  with mum looking like Holly from Red Dwarf...  To make it even better, timing was once more on our side.  Mum had ordered an 'Elsa' dress for little un, which arrived today, so she was able to unwrap it at the virtual party and she then pranced, preened and zapped us with icy rays for the rest of the afternoon.  My tomboy girl has found her inner snow queen... 

It really felt like a celebration, which is surprising in these strange times... So I'm making the most of the smiles today, and I'm sending them out into the world to share them out...

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