
By GennyLiz


Another sunny day when Genny and our daughter Rachel sorted out a load of wood in the garden.
We've done a lot of cutting back over the years and we keep the wood for our log burner. Some of it's just kindling size and some small log size.
Genny and Rachel were sorting stuff that was recent and identifying wood that was ready for burning. 
I stayed inside as I wanted to cook. 
By the afternoon we were all tired from our efforts and relaxed. 
By the way, for those interested several opera houses are streaming past operas for free. Our Covent Garden Royal Opera House streamed the short ballet Peter and the Wolf which we watched. They've got some goodies coming up as has the Met Opera from New York. Might be worth trying - opera is NOT high faluting; it's a brilliant combination of music and theatre at times passionately emotional and at others just ridiculous, but great fun. 

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