
By Madchickenwoman

Safe Distance

I'd contacted my fellow dog walker about meeting up and he felt we would be fine. There was a spray gun of bleach solution to drench the lock on the gate and plenty of room to keep 2m apart from each other. It was a glorious day and Oscar and Ivy had great fun with a stick. Unfortunately they later managed to knock a chair against my knee which hurt! Ivy will come to me or her owner when Oscar gets too playful, so then they mock fight right next to us! He has a walking stick which he can use to push them away, I was using the chair! I felt like a lion tamer! On the morning toilet walk with Oscar before doing the hens I'd been pulled over by him as I picked up his poo - he had decided to walk further on to sniff something so over  I went! I looked like an upturned tortoise! Luckily no-one was around to witness it! So that was two accidents so far today!
On the way home I stopped to get mixed corn for the hens and some titbits for me at the small feed store which also has a little shop, I tried to get some potting compost but she hadn't ordered any.  In trying to keep 2 m away from the assistant I knocked my ankle against the shelving and nearly fell again! That was my third accident so hopefully the rest of the day would be ok now! Thinking the small family run garden centre would be shut I headed to Tesco. I was shocked to see people queueing half way round the carpark, 2 metres between them and being allowed in as people left.  It's very easy to block off the whole pandemic where I live - I'm living my usual life, back to my usual now the builders have stopped. But the queue forcefully brought grim reality. Our lives are very far from usual. 
I decided I didn't want to join the queue just for potting compost so drove straight out and decided to try the hardware store which also sells seeds and seed potatoes - it was shut. So I thought I'd try the garden centre just incase. Well it was open! I got my compost and some seeds. The assistant apparently had the virus in February - only realising after the event that was what it was. She said it knocked her out for 2 weeks and then one morning she woke up and it had gone! This was the last day they would be open so I was very fortunate! 
I had just got home and unpacked the car when the rubbish man came! I moved the bags and then a huge pile of bricks to the steps at the  back gate and he moved them into his van. He said he had been stopped by the police at Gunnislake, the next village to ours. He had to explain where he was going in his van. I never thought this would happen near us - Plymouth and larger towns such as Tavistock yes, but sleepy Gunnislake? This may be the last playdate with Ivy for a while as I have to drive to get to the field. It's only 7 minutes away and is safer than bumping into people in our local woods, but orders are orders. 

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