
By Houseonahill6

New home for some

Hibernation day 7 , lockdown day 4
Wow, we were lucky and had a stunning day , it felt like Summer. Again I was out in the garden all day and it seems strange to come indoors thinking it must be mid afternoon to see that it’s only 11.30.I curled up and had a snooze on the bench.
I’m totally lost with what the day / date it is as well. I was soo looking forward to my fruit and veg box and then realised it’s not coming till next week :(
We had used up nearly all our ‘fridge’ food as well as the fruit and veg so Mike escaped to M&S , was not sure if he would be stopped by the police on the way but our little Co op is abit limited in what they can offer.
It felt like he was gone ages but he returned triumphant with everything except loo rolls, we did not need soap as that shelve was empty too. He even bought me some tulips, maybe not classed as essential shopping but it brightened my day :)
Phoned my Mum and Dad and I managed without too many tears. They’re doing ok and had a delivery of food earlier in the week with just a few subs.
Does anyone else talk to their seedlings, I’m finding myself saying good night and good morning to them ?
Cleaned out the pond which looks so much better now.
Heard the chiffchaff today and the sparrows are nesting under the roof tiles, I think we will need to investigate but it’s not easy to get to.
Boris Johnson and a few other cabinet members now have Coronavirus , social distancing took awhile to be seen in Parliament !

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