careful, sir...

Shortly before the lens-change prior this shot this bloke was gesticulating exuberantly with both hands despite the relative ease with which he could have unbalanced himself with a particularly expansive gesture and fallen backwards and caught his spine on the ledge of the box and splatted in a splintered heap right in the way of the fire exit, forming both a terrible mess AND a fire hazard. Some people never think, especially not the child behind me who was clicking and fidgeting and not paying attention during the second act and then had to ask lots of questions in a whiny voice during the second interval. She's lucky it wasn't the extremely odd version which was at the Festival a few years back during which a bloke wearing a live owl on his head would wander onto the stage at various points.

A visit to the dentist in the morning meant a nice late start and included the pleasing discovery that they now have a computerised appointment system rather than just a big book; I shall now trust them to remind me to book a checkup in six months' time rather than wondering if the policy of not allowing you to book one for six months was a subtle ploy to get rid of excess patients by not reminding them until they had lapsed and would be required to re-register. I was seen within twenty-five minutes of arrival, too; they now have a notice on the wall saying how many dentist-hours were missed due to missed appointments but despite missed appointments I usually end up waiting about three-quarters of an hour after the official appointment time to get seen which usually (including travel time) means that the ninety minutes' dentist-time permitted on the work clocking-system sometimes doesn't cover the time involved in popping out to a dentist and back during the day which is why I would usually try and get an appointment at either end. No teeth-problems although my second wisdom tooth is now appearing and will probably have to be hoicked due to space issues when it's a bit bigger.

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