Life in the time of Covid 19 Day 4

The seabirds all congregate down by the waters edge, it is fascinating to watch them stamp up and down causing any small shell fish to come to the surface where they are immediately snapped up, the shell broken and a nice, fresh, seafood meal thank you.
The extra shows a Black Oyster Catcher running off with his meal.

Lock down Day 4
Great excitment, we armed ourselves with rubber gloves and a scarf to cover face and went off to the super market. The larger supermarket we went to is about 6 miles away, we saw two other cars on the road on the trip. At the supermarket M stayed in the car and l set off with list, the scarf which was meant to give me some protection just caused my glasses to fog up so was not much use. People were allowed in 5 at a time and we all stayed 2 meters apart.
All done and we will not have to venture out again for atleast another week.
Stopped at the ATM on the way home but no money in it.

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