Friday Foto

By drmackem

And so we begin again

The miseducation of.....

A Photo
So pleased that I've been legally and physically distantly been able to wander the moor daily during my holiday week.

A Muse

What a year that week was...!!

COVID 19 survival kit now includes, a bath, the moor(walks, runs, dogs and beauty), disinfectant, chocolate, marmite(obvs.), zoom, body swerves, kind hello's to strangers 2 or more metres away, my tunes, dancing like nobody is watching, singing like nobody is listening, gratitude, saying I love you to those I love, cheese, quiet solitary starts to the day and a psalm, an occasional lament - so much seems lost, FaceTime  looking up my mums nose and waving, little islands of order, occasional wobbles but with self compassion, toast, breathing...

No time for work then, but then no work if no time for the above.

Going back in.....breathing

A Tune
Time passes slowly #1 - Bob Dylan

Time passes slowly up here in the daylight
We stare straight ahead and try so hard to stay right
Like the red rose of summer that blooms in the day
Time passes slowly and fades away

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