Mauve Mist

A day mostly in the garden. Not my garden but that of the friend who has given me use of her greenhouse. At high risk due to respiratory problems she stays indoors at all times now and I remain outside, coming and going through the side gate. No tea and chat allowed now :-( Since her husband died three years ago the garden has been neglected, grass, bindweed, grape hyacinths and an equally invasive allium have taken over. The brown bin is full and there’s an awful lot of bindweed spaghetti in it!!

The primula continue to brighten the greenhouse. This marginata primula is ‘Mauve Mist’ much the darkest colour of the marginata forms I grow. I worry that under lockdown even gardening for a near neighbour who is housebound might be considered inappropriate.

Gardening was broken up by another volunteer shopping trip but not involving a scenic drive like yesterday.

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