'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly

Cos I'm a creep

Nice early one from me for once!

I was peering out the window expecting a blue tit or coal tit or maybe a goldfinch (they've not been around much this year =( ).... when I saw something different. I thought maybe a sparrow at first, then a wren. Nope, too small for a wren, I thought. Then I saw it flit to the bottom of the tree and hope its way up slightly. IT'S A TREECREEPER! I said. I THINK! I said.

So I grabbed the camera bag and dug out the camera then searched for it.

It hopped to the back of the tree. Argh, it's going to hope to the back then fly off! I thought.

It came back! It went to the bottom and I got a few okay shots. It's not spectacular but it's better than nothing!

That's made my day =)

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