Into The Sun

This guy has been hanging around the Wellington waterfront for ever and he advertises upcoming events. He is currently unemployed so The Boss decided to employ him today for a TTTT
iPhones are wonderful for shooting into the sun. You use the Tap exposure adjustment I was barking about yesterday and you will get some really different images with ease. (See extras) 
It’s also a great way to generate Silhouettes and open up another fun area of our hobby. 
There are a lot of very stressed folk out there at present and it is always wonderful to see ingenuity in action on todays second extra. 
The Boss waved at some Police folk today and they waved back BUT way to fast for him to get ”the shot” He felt it probably was not a good idea to ask them to wave again as they had just been “advising” someone (probably fairly old) fishing in the Bay that NO he couldn’t drive 20 Km from the Hutt Valley every day to go fishing here just because he had been doing it for the last 5 years.

The Boss’s first whole meal loaf out of their new bread maker (Extra 3) Guess what’s for tea?

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