
By nudibranchies

Watering Day

My weakness in life? Plants. Any plants. Houseplants, flowering outdoor plants, random sprouted things from the fridge (more on that later). I love them all.

Pablo is my pride and joy, a Monstera Deliciosa (otherwise known as a Cheese plant) that has gone from being able to fit in a footwell between my legs to taking up the entirety of my shower in a few years. Monstera's are climbing plants with aerial roots, meaning they gain a lot of their water intake outside of their pots. This makes it difficult to water them without a mister or spray bottle, so Pablo gets showers! It's the quickest and most thorough way to keep him looked after, and that's the most important thing for me. Unfortunately he has no plant food and his main growing season is coming up, but hopefully I can scout out an online garden store to obtain some eventually. 

Also pictured in the little white pot is Issie the Jade plant (Crassula Ovata)! She's still very small but she's growing nicely too, slower than Pablo but no less determined.

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