Heart For Our Heroes

On Asha's advice (after all, it's her 9th birthday tomorrow), I'm blipping a heart for our heroes today; we have two in our close family, so it's close to our hearts, may God protect them and give them all strength and courage for the task ahead... Allegra painted the heart in our art class today. On the right, you can see the beautiful flowers that Asha's Granny gave us the day we moved into our attic here, they are so beautiful.

For our Nature class, we went looking for insects; the only one we really saw was a small tortoiseshell butterfly, opening and closing its wings on a dog turd (sorry!), presumably for the salt. And we saw and heard a lot more birds than yesterday when it was so cold.

Lent verse of the day is James 1v27:
Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.

Mike and I have spent most of our lives trying to obey this, but feel we're not doing much at the moment, apart from maybe enabling Deb and Sam to do it more and better at the moment; they'll be doing their turn at our church's foodbank later in the week, and are daily keeping in touch with folk who may be lonely.

- this precious extended time with our grandkids
- sunshine and a bit of warmth, so we could stay outside longer
- all these heroes working hard to keep our lives going

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