
A rather disturbed night's sleep during which I kept dreaming I was in one of the endless video calls of recent days, but that I'd forgotten to turn the camera off and they could all see I was dropping off/asleep/in bed. Deary me, days and nights are blurring together, not just all the days into each other....
I got up a bit later as a result and settled down to another day in front of the various talking heads. At the end of the day I popped a potato into the oven to bake and set off for a good long walk around and across the Meadows and then down to the Grassmarket and back up to the High St and Castle then up the bridges to home. I hardly saw a soul other than on the Meadows and in the supermarket near home (one of only 3 shops that were open of all the many I passed) where I stopped for a few bits and pieces.  On the day when we had the official announcement that all the August Festivals are to be cancelled this year I found it really eerie and poignant. I know some of my fellow residents hate the town to be bustling and full of students and tourists but I disagree. This city is a beautiful and wonderful place to visit and it's a privilege to live here. I find the throng of visitors to be a reminder of just how lucky we residents are to experience it all year round. It also struck me as I passed all the boarded up or simply locked shops, pubs, theatres, galleries and cafes that without those visitors we wouldn't have anything like the fabulous choice of these places. This city isn't designed to be's always been alive with people and discussion and culture and despite the sun today it felt very melancholic. Come back world, as soon as possible!

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