Happy Face

Lockdown Day 8

I took Bella for a lovely walk today. Just me and her and my camera. We have to drive 2.3 miles to get there but its a beautiful, quiet area. I feel a bit guilty for taking the car out but where I go, I am far less likely to bump into anyone compared to the walk from my house which is used by numerous dog walkers.

It was eerily quiet but the perfect opportunity to do a bit of bird watching. We just walked quietly through the woods. It was so nice. So relaxing. 

Until we got to the Vineyard that we pass. There was 3 minibus loads of French workers. All sitting close together having lunch. Blaring music  and peeing where they want within the vineyard. Certainly no Social distancing going on there which is a worry. Perhaps they think they are immune to it all.

Then home for a nice relaxing evening of Bella Cuddles, TV and crochet while Mr W has his head buried in his work computer. 

I just love this picture of Bella. She just looks so happy. xXx

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