Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Happy me!

This chap has been used before. Yet today I had to photograph him again, no idea why until it clicked as I looked at the larger image on the screen. A quick glance shows a little happy Buddha with what appears to be a huge ear and a jug on the opposite shoulder. Closer inspection shows two ears, with what looks not too dissimilar to these.

The flash on this is very basic but believe it or not there is a tunnel behind Bud, something rodenty lives in there and Bud protects the entry.

I am now off in search of audio books as I have paired my new hearing system with my iPaddy and Mrs Bootneck cannot hear what I listen to via the hearing aids so marital approval ensues. They even work with Facetime. Now all I have to do is find somebody who actually wants to talk to me, there aren't that many!

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