Wild ....

..... Primroses.
I've had this clump of Primroses in the front garden for many years now ( seeded by the birds) but this year another one has appeared ( the bottom one) also self seeded. They are so lovely peeping out through the Ivy and such a delicate shade . I will leave them where they are , obviously liking the spot.
I was in the front again this morning , for almost 2 hours, doesn't seem as if I've made much of an impression tho' I've got another sack of brambles . I was rather saddened that their are still some folk around that just don't pass the time of day ( no long conversation needed just a simple Hello or Good Morning) I said Good Morning and had a response , but only 1 person out off about 12 offered the greeting first. So sad that even in a crisis some just don't think. I , as many others do , spend hours on my own but a simple act of greeting makes a world of difference. Tho' there are so many that go the extra mile , well done and thank you all.
Today's weather isn't as bright as yesterday am was and its still cold . Promise of a fine weekend ahead.
Have a good day all and keep safe.

Grateful ...... for another day.

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