Not quite the adventure I had in mind.

Got to M & S  just after 8 o'clock and queued until the 8.30 opening. While we were waiting, this huge truck was trying to reverse in to the delivery entrance, when some idiot in a black Range Rover Discovery followed too close behind the truck and completely blocked the entrance. The driver got out, raised his hands in the air in dispair, uttered a few expletives, and waited for for the Range Rover to get out of the way.  At least he provided some entertainment for us waiting outside. They were only allowing so many in at a time, and the store wasn't as well stocked as last week, probably because they were waiting for the stock in that truck. When we got to the checkout, J said to the assistant, you are doing a great job on the front line, which they are, and when we were leaving, he gave her a clap. She was thrilled, and said thank you so much, that is really appreciated.Don't forget to get out there tonight & clap for the NHS. 

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