Lockdown - Day 13

Just look at the pollen sacks on that bee!

Popped round to an elderly neighbour this morning to deliver some spare supplies. She lives on her own and has no family so when I turned up she was very eager for a chat about everything. She stayed inside the house and I stood outside, so we were both law abiding citizens. An hour later I’d managed to reassure her about a few things, and I’d returned home with a blip of the Grape Hyacinths growing in her garden. Later this afternoon, a pot of these pretty blue flowers appeared on my doorstep as a thank you.

Major IT crisis! All my photos suddenly disappeared from my iPad today!! I have no idea why. They slowly reappeared but any editing I’d previously done to the photos has disappeared. I’ve just updated the software on my iPad and now everything is soooo different, I haven’t got a clue what’s what, and my photos are now in a complete and utter jumble. If anyone has a magic wand and can restore my iPad to how it was yesterday, do let me know!

Take care, stay safe and well...

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