Swimmers' Log Book



We made these yesterday, but today I set my class the task of creating their own rainbows, however they liked, and adding photos and text to a shared document online. Only a few have posted their entries so far, but they have been excellent. One boy coded his microbit lights (micro-computer) to light up in rainbow colours and took photos of the result. A girl in my class did a lovely poster with a beautiful rainbow and rainbow facts, and twins used fabric paints on old t-shirts. Very creative. And their IT skills are improving no end. As are mine! I now know the shortcut to add emojis on a laptop! I’m feeling very proud of my teacher colleagues too, who have adapted so well to online learning, many having been completely thrown in at the deep end. I’m also incredibly proud of my own three babies, who are joining me with laptops out each day to tune into their own teachers/lecturers and complete their set tasks. The hard work will pay off, I promise!

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