Haggis and Ecclefechan Tarts

Went to a Burns supper last night. Much hilarity was caused by these Ecclefechan tarts. Would you like an Ecclefechan tart? Have you had and Ecclefeccan tart?
They were delicious and home made. Thanks- Anne

For the non- Scots, Burns night (25th) celebrates Robert Burns a very famous poet and writer- and a lot more.
Ecclefechan is a small place situated midway between Lockerbie and Annan in Dumfries and Galloway which is the south east of Scotland and is famous for these tarts. They are a bit like pecan pies- so I have read. I have never had pecan pie.

Sorry I changed the picture again. I did not know it was a Burns supper. I thought I was going round for a meal. Anyway I am living by my rule- if anything unique happens on a day- blip it - I can take a photo of a piece of glass another day when nothing happens. I have plenty of those. Less of a rule more of a guideline.

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