Hearts For Heros

I have a journal that I write down my thoughts and feelings each day......today I opened a page in another journal to draw a heart that I colored for the Hearts For Hero Challenge. I am not an artist, I simply doodle for relaxation and fun. This time I spent the time thinking about those working on the front lines during this very difficult time. I felt gratitude and sadness, fear and peace, compassion and guilt as I thought about how easy it is for me to stay home alone with my husband. 

I added a more simple heart I had drawn first.....I didn't like the way I had colored it .... I debated which one to Blip...... I guess it really doesn't matter which one is "better"; it is the thought that counts.

Stay safe out there. This too will pass! Tomorrow is never for sure for any of us. Life is Good. Thankful for the Heros!

Why does this pandemic seem to be going on forever?

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