On masks

Lombardy and Tuscany are making mask wearing obligatory (once free masks have been distributed to their 14 million inhabitants). Our mayor will let us WhatsApp listers know when masks will be distributed.

It’s a tricky issue alright with types of mask, fit and efficacy and need to change them regularly. If accompanied by the right messaging and supply I think it’s probably the way to go. The dangers of asymptomatic transmission have been largely unaddressed in the West and imposing mask wearing is maybe a way to get this message across and affording some protection to shop, bank and state agency staff amongst others.

A blustery day with sad news about my mum who may be entering the endgame. She’s a terrific fighter and gone more rounds than most. But maybe the time has come to no longer stay. V hard to work out what to do. In normal times it would be a no brainer.

But these are no normal times. The home has one confirmed Covid-19 case and another suspected. Alitalia just stopped flying from Pisa but there is a flight from Rome. Or trying to make it up to the French border and through France to then be in quarantine for 14 days. No good options.

The news on the Italian curve is still positive.

These are rucola/rocket flowers from one I prepared earlier - sown last year.

Nice tribute by Gilberto Gil and granddaughter to Italy here

And 700 Italian children singing Nessun Dorma ‪in a virtual choir here… https://video.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/coronavirus-nessun-dorma-canto-di-speranza-un-coro-virtuale-di-700-bambini-esegue-l-aria-di-puccini/357534/358094]https://video.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/coronavirus-nessun-dorma-canto-di-speranza-un-coro-virtuale-di-700-bambini-esegue-l-aria-di-puccini/357534/358094]https://video.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/coronavirus-nessun-dorma-canto-di-speranza-un-coro-virtuale-di-700-bambini-esegue-l-aria-di-puccini/357534/358094 via @repubblica‬

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