
By Mo

Flag Day

This one's for you, SooB!

What's this on the corner of the Bleachingfield, nestling between the primary school and the Countess community centre? Some bizarre new golf game? Invented, perhaps, to celebrate the news that East Lothian's claim to have the world's oldest golf course has been ratified?

Nope. Each flag indicates a turd. In a bid to protect the kids who go to the after school club - and to to shame the idiot dog walkers who don't pick up their dog's shit - the Countess Centre staff have started to "flag" the dog poo.

A friend (oddly enough, Sue A - any relation, SooB?) is co-ordinating a campaign to reduce dog shit around town. The citizens of Dunbar will not take this lying down (ugh, perish the thought!)

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