watching dry paint

By lensbrush

QE2 '85

In 1985, at the tender age of 23, I presented my final year body of work for my Major in Photography of my BA (Fine Arts) at the South Australian School of Art.
Now, formal explanations out the way; in this era of life spent much nearer to home, I've been digging out old boxes...

It seems to me that although the idea of blipfoto is to upload an 
image(s) taken that day, I want to share with you today, an image of my own creation, digitally created today, but originally an analog artifact from my archives.

My final year works were all about parties, events and gatherings - the things that in this current climate of covid 19 are forbidden, ironically.
I'll post a curated series over the next little while. 
I'm looking forward to sharing a little bit of my past.
I hope you like them.

The QE2 docks at Outer Harbour, South Australia, 1985

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