
By BikerJim

~After The Deluge~

~A Stormy Saturday~

The skies were clearing at sunset. A good thing too, as I believe we got close to two inches of rainfall today. My yard would have flooded but for my recent work on the water drainage-ways in my yard. I am far from finished with my rock-rivers but the work I did this week aided in helping the water from exiting my yard.

Tonight up on Sunset Ridge this was the scene I was treated to as the sun departed from the day. I was very pleased that the Ridge was dry and rain free tonight. I also met a friend, Gene, up there as well. We both belong to the same camera club and both of us enjoy our sundown displays. He is also an excellent portrait photographer, as he has a wonderful personality and is so at ease around people. BikerJim on the other hand, not as comfortable with people. I like others and they seem to like me, but that hermit thing of mine is a little off putting to folks that don't know me well. Though that doesn't bother me much, I'll take mother nature over people anytime. There's that ascetic thing again!

Hope you all are having a great weekend, TucsonJim ;o)

Bigger Is Better ;o)

Edit: When I reached my 730th post, mid-November, I made a decision to start networking more on The Blip. As things progressed, I found myself replying to every comment and returning a comment to their most recent image. I began to really enjoying it. Though my dyslexia complicates this communication with my friends and commenters here on The Blip. It seems that I'm falling behind, I'm trying to catch up. But another problem has reared its ugly head. It appears that Blip-Central has a problem with their server backup operation. It happens at around 2 or 3 a.m.UK time, making it 7 or 8 p.m. Arizona time, that is the time I do my Blip work. To leave a comment or a reply now can take triple the time that is use to take. Sometimes I can't even connect with the Blip servers for minutes at a time. They say they are working on the problem, but that's no help now. So be patient with my apparent slow responds to all my Blip-Buddies.

Sorry for the added verbage, but it needed to be said

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