
By kati

thank you so much for all your comments yesterday. i was so pleasantly surprised at the the response i got to my crocus blip. i even spent a few hours on the spotlight page 2 today, which was really fun.

apologies, as you can see, i'm still happily engulfed in wonderfully cliche spring images. and addicted to black and whites. i can't seem to stop, although i'll just go ahead and post the original here so you can see how pretty and pink it is (i am a sucker for pink flowers) along with the other pic i ultimately decided against.

no sun today, but in general the weather wasn't bad. lola and scout and i took a shorter walk. no latte or treats. no swings or slides. but we did walk past mrs. stein's house again. and got the feeling she had been outside gardening waiting for us! she had a toy for lola and we chatted about another plethora of random things. she's a talker! she told me about her old minolta camera and all her lenses and that she used to like to take pictures of bomber planes. she thought it was weird that i took pictures of lola where lola was looking away from the camera. but i told her that's how i usually like to take them!

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