
By wanderingsailor

Life in the bricks

Some plants seem to be very successful at growing in tiny cracks with little soil. The grass looks very tatty after being slept on by the cat but beneath it hides this pretty little plant. I think it's nemesis and it seeds everywhere. I pull some up but I often leave it as it looks so pretty.
Had a video call with our elder son today as it was his birthday. Nice to chat to the grandchildren too. He has been furloughed for now so has turned into daddy day care so mummy can work.
Some great news.....the guy across the road is home from hospital and recovering from the bug.
Sadly our friends daughter who is a respiratory registrar currently working in Southampton has gone down with it now. She was also involved in testing a possible treatment to help victims suffering from the virus. Fingers crossed for her. She's normally very fit.

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