The Wild Wood

Today started with the webinar on how to deliver goods safely as a volunteer. It was mostly about personal safety, safeguarding & disclosures and how to deal with incidents and aggressive behaviour - as you’d expect. I then went out on my first volunteering job delivering for the local pharmacy. I had 10 deliveries to do, the furthest being 5 miles away so I took the car. I found all the houses easily but a couple of recipients didn’t answer their doorbells.

My blip was found in the woods near the furthest house, where there was no reply. I just had to stop and take a few pictures. Here there’s Garlic mustard in the foreground but if you zoom in you can see Wood anemones and the first Bluebells making a beautiful colourful carpet. In the dappled sunlight in the wood they were absolutely beautiful.

This is on our normal bike route so I just had to return with Peter a little later on the bikes...which meant of course I could retry that delivery. Success this time - they’d been enjoying the sunshine in their garden. It’s been like a Summer’s day here; really warm with a cloudless blue sky. Just lovely.

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