
By earthdreamer

Social Distancing

I'm beginning to hate this word for all kinds of reasons. We're being required to exercise physical distancing. I strongly believe that our social distance has never been closer. The ability of the internet to allow us to see and keep in touch with friends and family is almost overwhelming in its efficiency. I'm finding myself seeking social distance in response - for physical contact it is not.

I lead a privileged existence, which feels particularly privileged at the moment, isolated on a hill at the edge of Ilkley Moor. But I feel useless and inadequate up here, hugely indebted to those who are at the sharp end of this crisis. The part of my brain that would once have been of use is no longer functioning. 

My photography is driven by my love of taking portraits of the people I meet. Not being able to continue with that in the way I have for the last seven years has been a huge blow. I miss that daily close engagement with a new person, far more than I could ever have imagined. 

With so little good science being reported, so little reliable data on this virus, we can only wait to see how this plays out. It's likely far more chaotic in the corridors of power than we'd ever care to imagine. I wouldn't want to be too critical. It's best to shut up right now. It's best not to speculate.

With little enthusiasm for either photography or journalling, I'll be a very quiet presence here for the time being. We all have to seek out the distractions that work best for us. I'm burying myself in my creative writing as the only thing that stops my mind turning over to the latest events in the crazy news cycle. 

I want to send the best of wishes to anyone who happens to pass by this entry. Kudos to all you blippers who are keeping up the daily observance. You are true stars. If you happen to be one of those amazing people on the frontline, a carer or service worker of any kind, trying to keep people alive, trying to keep the county running, I salute you. Perhaps this will spark the revolution we need to recognise just how important you are to our society and value what you do accordingly. 

Stay safe. Stay well. 

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