
We got to the farmer's market early to see if we could get Jane some barley bread (she cannot eat wheat). The baker always seems to sell out quickly; Jane asked if he had any and the baker said yes he had brought some and hadn't sold any. So Jane asked for two, one to go in the freezer. As we were walking away the next customer asked for barley bread and the baker said he had sold out; he had only brought two loaves with him!!! Jane was very kind and let the lady buy one the two loaves she had. I can't help but wonder how many loaves of barley bread he could have sold he he brought enough with him.
Next stop one of the veg stalls to buy some purple sprouting broccoli. They also sold this beetroot. It is an "acquired taste" according to the website I looked at; I can't say I enjoy it but maybe I should try juicing it more because it is supposed to be good for improved blood flow and lower blood pressure.
The snow has gone and the sun is out but it is still not very warm. So I wonder why there were two men wandering around the market in shorts.
Later we donned our wellies and walked round the water meadows - it was very wet. Lots of people out, probably to avoid the forecast rain this afternoon.

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