
By Ogatodomar


Actually I didn't go out today - decided to go for an experiment - I've got this Einkorn flour which I bought in the wonderful Shearer's in Kirkwall last Christmas. My granny used to make scones on a regular basis & I decided to give it a go...

The result was a beautiful smell & when they had cooled down found they tasted really good! Einkorn is an ancient variety of wheat which has been used for over 10,000 years.

I love Shearer"s because the staff are charming & they sell everything from wheelbarrows to star anis. One year a friend of cousin Mouse, an old curmudgeon of an ex-RN Commander was staying & he mentioned wanting to find catapult elastic... & big D said, "Oh you'll find that in Shearer's".

So off we went & in Shearer's the Commander said to the assistant, "You won't have this, but I'm looking for catapult elastic".

"Yes sir, what size would you like - we have the 4mm; 6mm or the 8mm?".


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