Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

The Sower

As part of my online art course, our Art Appreciation project for last 4 weeks was ‘Spring’

This is quite wide obviously but the brief was to compare and contrast 5 major artists and their depiction of an aspect of Spring.

(If you had told me this time last year, I would be doing Art Appreciation, I wuda said ‘wudja stop’ (with a smile, of course)

So I chose the sower of seeds.

If you google The Sower Paintings (then click on Images), you will immediately get Van Gogh’s painting. But apart from him, I chose 4 others who I like, and compared the personality of the different Sowers (bear with me)

Van Gogh’s Sower in beautiful warm bright South of France colours. An older man, used to his job and doing it good humouredly, knowing that later a tasty meal, glass of wine and the company of villagers awaited him

Jean Francoise Millet - his Sower is young, careless, immortal, doing the job any old way so he can cycle down to the village to chat to Yvette, the waitress

Camille Pissarro, his Sower is old. Perhaps world weary, with aches and pains - but knowing that the job must get done or his family won’t eat next winter

Greg Olsen

Lautits Andersen Ring

Vela Zanetti

(Haven’t done my full research on these last 3)

But for my artwork, I chose homage to A E Russell (well he is Irish, after all)

His Sower is female. The painting is full of circular movement which visually illustrates the cyclical nature of the seasons i.e. the female form, karma, and renewal/rebirth. Please google him also - he is interesting.

His colours are very earthy and muted. As we were told to recreate our own way, I have gone a bit pop art, rainbow etc on it ( hope you like it)

Please, please if you have time, do your own art appreciation and google The Sower. You will enjoy


I hope you enjoy this wonderful link, compiled by musicians/singers simultaneously in Dublin, Bray, London, Cheshire, France.

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