
Loved the concentration here, so much going into the detail of my 37th birthday.

The day began with the usual assault of gifts and breakfast items you’re not quite sure you want but you could never refuse and risk disappointing the little one who created it. To be fair, Eve’s offerings are awesome these days and she takes on the task of managing Zeke - “I’m not sure Mummy wants jam AND Nutella on the bread Zeke. And where did you find THAT bread?”

Gifts appeared in various creative forms and I enjoyed choosing a new book from the leisure of my bath - thanks to Shoegirl who sponsored that! We watched 3 men and a baby and felt a bit surprised by some of the content of 80s family entertainment - Eve is delighted with the new words in her (hopefully not to be used) vocab. A walk up Doctor’s Gate and Zeke encouraged me to throw 37 stones in the river. And now we’ve created a restaurant at home - dressed up and about to eat steak.


1. My Mum who gave me life - I can still hear her telling me about her experience at 8:26am on the 9th of April when my cauliflower head appeared - ever grateful to her;
2. Our family near and far who show so much love;
3. Carrot cake - surely the most glorious of all cakes. Today’s offering had lime mascarpone frosting.

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